

Trip to Japan? This is how you get to the the CBD Lounge, VapeMania Ebisu


This blog post explans how you get to the VapeMania Ebisu, CBD Dispensary Lounge, which opened on April 20th, 2022.

Thanks to all, it has been very loved for one and only service for being able to relax with CBD in the middle of Tokyo.

This is the easiest explanation of how you get to the VapeMania Ebisu!

Address of VapeMania Ebisu Lounge

VapeMania CBD Dispensary Lounge

If you have sense of direction and just need the address, this is for you.


8th floor of Crysty Ebisu Building, 17-14, 3-Chome, Higashi, Shibuya, Tokyo, 〒150-0011

If you find the building already, Please jump to this part.

Please note that if you come by a car, you cannot try CBD products so coming by a train or walking is recommended.

If you can come pick up your car later, then there is no problem at all but you should be careful for the parking fee. It might end up super expensive.

There is a big chance that it might end up being more expensive than a person stays at a hotel. 

There are many coin parkings near the VapeMania, Ebisu so if you know what you want and you do not spend much time, coming by a car can be quite reasonable.


There is a parking space in a Crysty Ebisu Building as well but it is 300 yen for 12 min and 4hours is the longest hours and it costs 2000 yen. Also, only 2 cars can fit in the space. 

There is Atre Ebisu near the station and they have a big parking space. If you park for 24hrs, it is 2,700 yen. Please note that the parking lot closes during night.アトレのパーキング

The address of Atre Ebisu's parking space is

4-1-1, Ebisu, Shibuya, Tokyo, 150-0021.

Here is the detail for the parking lot in Atre, Ebisu

If you are planning to park for a long time, choose the parking lot wisely.

How to get to VapeMania Ebisu by Tokyo Metro and JR


If you come by a train, it is the same way from Tokyo Metro and JR, so Ill explain in the same article.

The each exit is very close as well.

Same as VapeMania Ueno, VapeMania Ebisu is very close from the station too. 

Once you come, you would not get lost for the second time!

How to get to the VapeMania Ebisu from Tokyo Metro Ebisu Station


This is the direction from Ebisu Station, Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line.

Go Straight after you get out from the Ticket Gate


Once you get out from the Ticket Gate, Walk towards Exit 1.


Reminder : Walk Straight after the Ticket Gate.

Take the escalator and walk towards Exit1


There is stairs and Escalator to the Exit on the right hand side.

Once you go up, Go towards West Entrance of JR Ebisu.


It is better to walk on the left side of the accordion pleats pillar.

On the right side, there are many people walking by.

Walk Towards JR Ebisu Station West Entrance

Once you walk more, the right side is JR Ebisu Station West Entrance.

From Here is the same way as How to go from JR Ebisu Station West Exit. 

How to go from JR Ebisu Station West Exit


The sign says JR Ebisu Station West Entrance with the White letter.

If you go down the stairs from the platform of Shonan Shinjuku, Saikyo, or Yamanote Line, you should be able to arrive to JR Ebisu Station West Entrance.  

Turn Right after you go out from West Entrance

Once you go out from the West Entrance, Turn Right. ( The left side of the Ticket Gate is Ebisu Station Exit 1 from Hibiya Line)

Walk across the Crossing to the mont-bell side


Once you get out from the West Entrance, you would see the mont-bell shop in front.

It is the big building so you would know right away.

Turn Left once you walk the crossing


After you walk across the crossing, walk in front of the mont-bell towards the left side, then go straight.

You go around 20meters then you would see the sign of Hakata Mangetsu and MONSTER GRILL then turn right.


Once you pass the sign, you get to the Ebisu 1 Intersection.

Go diagonally to the left at the Ebisu 1 Intersection


Now you are at the Ebisu 1 Crossing.

Walk across the crossing towards SHOE'S SHOP YOSHIHARA.YOSHIHARA様

After that you go towards the MATE.

Pass the MATE and go straight towards the 大豊記( Taiho-ki, the famous Gyoza Restraurant ).

Seems far? Don't worry, You are almost there!

Turn Right at LAWSON Convenient Store


Once you see LAWSON Convenient store, Turn right at the store.

You are almost there! 


VapeMania Ebisu Lounge is on the M8th floor of the building you see in the end of the street.

Sparkle・HEMP CAFE TOKYO・Yakiniku Sushi

Sparkle と HEMP CAFE TOKYO と 肉寿司の看板

During the business hours of VapeMania Ebisu Lounge, you see the signs of Sparkle ( Closed on Friday ) and HEMP CAFE TOKYO.

Also, you see the sign of 焼肉寿司( Yakiniku Sushi ) on the building as well.

Take the Elevator


You go up the little stairs and take the elevator next to the 焼肉寿司( Yakiniku Sushi ).

Get off the Elevator on the 8th Floor


Once you go up to the 8th floor by the elevator, you see the door of the HEMP CAFE TOKYO.

Go inside the HEMP CAFE TOKYO


VapeMania Ebisu Lounge is inside the HEMP CAFE TOKYO so you need to go in there.

On the glass door, it says

eat plants
smoke plants

with the white letters.

You can go in even it says CLOSED


!!You can go inside the HEMP CAFE TOKYO even the door sign says [CLOSED]!!

HEMP CAFE TOKYO closes during the lunch and dinner(15:00-18:00) so the sign on the door says closed.

However, VapeMania Ebisu Lounge is open during the time (15:00-18:00).

The business hours of VapeMania Ebisu Lounge is 13:00-20:30.

Open the Hidden Door


There is an wooden door on the left hand side and you get to go in the VapeMania CBD Dispensary Lounge Ebisu.

VapeMania 恵比寿店の階段

Once you go up the stairs, relax with your own style in the private room, counter, or rooftop terrace.

VapeMania 恵比寿 オープンのお知らせ

おかげさまで5周年を迎えたVapeManiaが、この度2022年4月20日にVapeMania 恵比寿店をグランドオープンします。 その名もVapeMania CBD Dispensary Loung ...

Extra edition:How to go from the East Entrance of JR Ebisu


Even if you end up getting off from the East Entrance of JR Ebisu, do not worry. 

Go towards to Ebisu 1-4 chome


Once you get out from the Ticket Gate, you go straight towards the sign says "for Ebisu 1-4 chome"

Go down the Left side Stairs


Once you go to the end, there is an escalator and stairs on the left side so go down.


Once you go down, you see the STARBUCKS on the left side so keep going straight.

Go further down the Stairs


You see the stairs as you walk straight, go further down. 恵比寿駅西口に出る

You see the West Entrance of JR Ebisu Station.

Once you are there, you can read from Walk across the Crossing to the mont-bell side

We look forward to having you as our special guests!

Read this blog post if you want to check out more about VapeMania CBD Dispensary Lounge Ebisu

Store Manager が選ぶ CBD ランキング

VapeMania オリジナル CBN ハーブ Extra Strong

CBN1300mg + フルスペクトラムCBD + CBG茎パウダー + OG Kushテルペン + HEMPテルペンで出来た、エクストラストロングのCBNハーブ。VapeManiaの公式YouTubeチャンネルでHow to Rollに出演していたいだ梵頭さんがおっしゃった通り『匂いは限りなくアレです。かなり本物に近いです。リアルに近い。結構近いと思う。』これです。切れ味抜群でどんなチルタイムにも合います。まさに超チル。

VapeMania オリジナル FULL HEMP カートリッジ

『FULL HEMP™(フルヘンプ』とはヘンプに含まれている CBD を始めとした様々な天然カンナビノイドと、ヘンプ由来テルペンを利用した 100% ヘンプ由来製品のことを指します。VapeMania オリジナルの造語でフルスペクトラムを”超越”したカンナビノイド製品です。テルペンはその時にしか採れない貴重な年代もので必然的に限定商品になります。

VapeMania オリジナル レアカンナビノイド グミ

DNG「全部」入りレアカンナビノイドグミが新たに誕生。「国産てんさい糖を使用」「キシリトールを使用」「砂糖不使用」「合成着色料不使用」で体に優しいものばかりを揃えた究極のグミとなっています。昼向きの CBG を主軸にレアカンナビノイドだけで構成した逸品です。夜用は CBN と CBD をたっぷり使うことで1日1粒で十分なパーフェクトな仕上がり。


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