
Trip to Japan? This is how you get to the CBD dispensary shop, VapeMania by Tokyo Metro!


※ 「東京メトロ “上野駅” から VapeMania までの行き方」の記事はこちらから

We also have a website explains how to get to VapeMania by JR. If you are coming from JR, please check the website.

The article has been helpful for those who use JR Line.

However,  we are having more customers who use Tokyo Metro, so we are explaining how to get to VapeMania from Metro Ueno Station.

If you are coming by JR Line, please read "Trip to Japan? This is how you get to the VapeMania by JR!"

Once you get off train,

Once you get off train, go towards "Showa-dori Ave. North Gate"

Go straight to Showa-dori Ave. North Gate.


Showa-dori Ave. North Gate is on the side of the Hibiya line so if you are coming from Ginza line, you might need to walk a little.

If you are coming out from the other exit, it might get harder to find us, so you must use Showa-dori Ave. North Gate.

Once you exit Showa-dori Ave. North Gate, go towards the "1・2Exit".

Go towards to 1・2 Exit


Once you go up the stairs, 1・2 Exit is on the Left-hand side.


The numbers are also on the wall as well so it is easy to know.

Go straight on the street on the photo and go towards to the 2nd Exit.

Exit from the 2nd Gate


Since you are going towards to the 1・2 Exit, you would face to  the split of the Exit.

Turn right at the corner and go towards the "2nd Exit".


To Okachimachi


As you would see the sign over you at the 2nd Exit, Turn left for "Okachi-machi"

Turn Left on the first street.


Once you are outside of the 2nd Exit and turn left, you will find the alley.

Therefore, Go towards on the left side of the alley. 



Once you turn left and go straight on the street as on the photo above, you would find GINDAKO TAKOYAKI STAND on the right hand side, then turn right.

That is where the gray street becomes stone pavement.

After that, it is the exactly the same as the article explains about how to get to VapeMania, so you turn left at where the gray street becomes the stone pavement. 

Turn Left at the gray street becomes the stone pavement.

This is the explanation of how you get to VapeMania from Tokyo Metro Ueno Station.

Store Manager が選ぶ CBD ランキング

VapeMania オリジナル CBN ハーブ Extra Strong

CBN1300mg + フルスペクトラムCBD + CBG茎パウダー + OG Kushテルペン + HEMPテルペンで出来た、エクストラストロングのCBNハーブ。VapeManiaの公式YouTubeチャンネルでHow to Rollに出演していたいだ梵頭さんがおっしゃった通り『匂いは限りなくアレです。かなり本物に近いです。リアルに近い。結構近いと思う。』これです。切れ味抜群でどんなチルタイムにも合います。まさに超チル。

VapeMania オリジナル FULL HEMP カートリッジ

『FULL HEMP™(フルヘンプ』とはヘンプに含まれている CBD を始めとした様々な天然カンナビノイドと、ヘンプ由来テルペンを利用した 100% ヘンプ由来製品のことを指します。VapeMania オリジナルの造語でフルスペクトラムを”超越”したカンナビノイド製品です。テルペンはその時にしか採れない貴重な年代もので必然的に限定商品になります。

VapeMania オリジナル レアカンナビノイド グミ

DNG「全部」入りレアカンナビノイドグミが新たに誕生。「国産てんさい糖を使用」「キシリトールを使用」「砂糖不使用」「合成着色料不使用」で体に優しいものばかりを揃えた究極のグミとなっています。昼向きの CBG を主軸にレアカンナビノイドだけで構成した逸品です。夜用は CBN と CBD をたっぷり使うことで1日1粒で十分なパーフェクトな仕上がり。


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