東京で CBD をお探しですか?それなら上野にある VapeMania へ


Looking for CBD in Tokyo? Check Out VapeMania in Ueno!


You might not be able to believe this but... Smoking Marijuana is ILLEGAL in Japan.

Posession and handing over or selling to a third person would be an imprisonment less than 5 years.

Do you think we are joking to you? We are not.

Smoking Marijuana is totally prohibited in Japan so you must follow the rule.

However, Vaping and taking CBD is totally LEGAL in Japan.

If you are having trouble sleeping during your stay in Japan, our quality CBD might help you.

We also do have English speaking staffs to help you out.

VapeMania's English Speaking Staffs

VapeMania do have English Speaking Staffs so you shop our CBD without any trouble.

  • Sumi
  • Tina
  • Google Translate
  • Hiro

Especially, Tina can speak Portugues as well so if you ONLY speak the language, there is NO PROBLEM.

Our Google Translate is also able to speak more than 100 languages and very professional too.

If you show your passport to us during your shopping, we might be able to give you the SPECIAL DISCOUNT as well.

Offering Discount If you show us your Passport!


If you show us your Passport while your shopping, we will give you the special discount!

CBD products in Japan are still pretty pricey so we try our best to give you the best price.

Now, I am going to explain how to get to the VapeMania!

How to get to the VapeMania!


Tōhō Bldg. 3-16-3 Higashiueno, Taitō-ku, Tokyo 110-0015, Japan

+81 (0) 3 5937 0099


The Train Lines you can Access

Wherever you are staying, you can use 10 Train Lines to Ueno station so it is really easy.

  • JR Utsunomiya Line:Ueno Station
  • JR Takasaki Line:Ueno Station
  • JR Keihin-Tōhoku Line:Ueno Station
  • JR Jōban Line:Ueno Station
  • JR Ueno-Tokyo Line:Ueno Station
  • JR Yamanote Line:Ueno Station
  • JR Yamanote Line:Okachimachi Station
  • Tokyo Metro Ginza Line:Ueno Station
  • Tokyo Metro Ginza Line:Ueno-hirokoji Station
  • Toei Ōedo Line:Ueno-okachimachi Station
  • Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line:Naka-Okachimachi Station
  • Keisei Main Line:Keisei Ueno Station

My recommendation is JR Ueno Station because it is 4 min of waking-distance.

Therefore, I am going to explain how to get to VapeMania from JR Ueno Station.

How to get to VapeMania from JR Ueno Station

This article explains how to get to VapeMania with a lot of photos so if you read this, you would not get lost.

Trip to Japan? This is how you get to the the CBD dispensary shop, VapeMania by JR!

※JR 東日本 “上野駅” を利用しての VapeMania までの行き方はこちらから VapeMania is located at 4 min away from JR Ueno Station. ...

Let me explain about VapeMania and what kind of CBD dispensary shop we are.

What kind of CBD Dispensary Shop VapeMania is?

VapeMania はどういうお店?

November 2019, VapeMania looks like in the photo above.

We have a selection of more than 100 Quality CBD products so please take your time to pick the best one for you.

Our Customer's VapeMania Introduction Videos

(This video was shot at the shop before renewal.)

Google's Comments


Highly recommended. Great products and service. Staff go out of their way to help you. Make an appointment before visiting. You can try the products before you buy 👌👌

CBDMANiA is the same shop


Staff here are extremely helpful. Amazing service and carries a broad range of cbd products. If you are looking for cbd, this is the spot.

After you shop at VapeMania, you can walk to the sight-seeing spots.

Ueno is very popular with the foreign visitors and it is ranked at the 6th for the most popular sight-seeing spot in Tokyo.

The most popular Sight-Seeing spots in Tokyo

  1. Shinjuku・Okubo
  2. Ginza
  3. Asakusa
  4. Shibuya
  5. Akihabara
  6. Ueno
  7. Harajuku・Omote-Sando・Aoyama
  8. Tokyo-Station・Marunouchi・Nihonbashi
  9. Odaiba・Tokyo-Bay
  10. Ikebukuro

Asakura, ranked in the third place is walking-distance and Akihabara, ranked in the fifth place is only 2 stations away from Ueno.

So you can plan and see all these places together.

Let me explain about the sight-seeing spots in Ueno.

Popular Sight-seeing spots in Ueno

It was more than 9.53 million foreign visitors visited Ueno, Taito-ku in 2018. 

This number tells how much Ueno is popular as sight-seeing spot.

These are the popular Sight-Seeing spots in Ueno.

  1.  Ameyoko
  2.  Tokyo Metropolitan Ueno Park
  3.  The National Museum of Western Art
  4.  Ueno Zoological Gardens
  5.  Asakusa
  6.  Senso-ji Temple, Asakusa

Take a look at each sight-seeing spot.



The closest sight-seeing spot from VapeMania is "Ameyoko".

There are more than 400 shops in the 500meter area, It is becoming one of the most popular sight-seeing spots for foreign visitors in Tokyo.

Tokyo Metropolitan Ueno Park


Tokyo Metropolitan Ueno Park is the park which used to belong to the Japanese government before the World War 2.

There are 5 of those parks which used belong to the Country and Tokyo Metropolitan Ueno Park is one of them.

It is an unique park with a beautiful lotus pond and nature, it is the best place to relax and walk around.

The National Museum of Western Art


The National Museum is the cultural heritage that was designed by the very famous architect of Le Corbusier,  it is registered in the List of Le Corbusier buildings.

At this museum, you could see the world famous artists paintings such as,  Jean-François Millet, Claude Monet, and Paul Gauguin.

Ueno Zoological Gardens


Ueno Zoological Gardens is the first zoo made in Japan.

You could see Japan native animals such as Hokkaido Sika Deer and Japanese serow.

The most popular animal in this place is Panda Bears.



The most popular sight-seeing spot in Asakusa is Kaminari-Gate.

There are more than 90 souvenir shops on the Nakamise-street and many people visit here.

Senso-Ji Temple, Asakusa


Senso-Ji Temple is the oldest temple of Japan and it has 1300 years of history.

About 30 million people come here per year. It is the most popular sight-seeing spot in Asakusa. 

Now, let me explain the World Currency Exchange Counter.

Currency Exchange Counters Near VapeMania

There are some World Currency Exchange Counters in Ueno.

Let me tell you my recommendation.

World Currency Shop

If you get out from the JR Ueno Central Exit and you would find Atre Shopping Center. It is on the second floor.

Business Hours is from 10:30 to 19:00.

World Currency Shop, Atre Ueno


If you are using the Keisei-Ueno Station then Travelex is easier.

Business Hours is from 6:15 am to 19:00.

Travelex, Keisei-Ueno

This is the basic information of sight-seeing spots near VapeMania. Hope this article would help you for your stay in Tokyo!

Store Manager が選ぶ CBD ランキング

VapeMania オリジナル CBN ハーブ Extra Strong

CBN1300mg + フルスペクトラムCBD + CBG茎パウダー + OG Kushテルペン + HEMPテルペンで出来た、エクストラストロングのCBNハーブ。VapeManiaの公式YouTubeチャンネルでHow to Rollに出演していたいだ梵頭さんがおっしゃった通り『匂いは限りなくアレです。かなり本物に近いです。リアルに近い。結構近いと思う。』これです。切れ味抜群でどんなチルタイムにも合います。まさに超チル。

VapeMania オリジナル FULL HEMP カートリッジ

『FULL HEMP™(フルヘンプ』とはヘンプに含まれている CBD を始めとした様々な天然カンナビノイドと、ヘンプ由来テルペンを利用した 100% ヘンプ由来製品のことを指します。VapeMania オリジナルの造語でフルスペクトラムを”超越”したカンナビノイド製品です。テルペンはその時にしか採れない貴重な年代もので必然的に限定商品になります。

VapeMania オリジナル レアカンナビノイド グミ

DNG「全部」入りレアカンナビノイドグミが新たに誕生。「国産てんさい糖を使用」「キシリトールを使用」「砂糖不使用」「合成着色料不使用」で体に優しいものばかりを揃えた究極のグミとなっています。昼向きの CBG を主軸にレアカンナビノイドだけで構成した逸品です。夜用は CBN と CBD をたっぷり使うことで1日1粒で十分なパーフェクトな仕上がり。

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ドレッドヘアがトレードマークのベイパーです♪ VapeMania と CBDMANiA のマネージャーをしていて、ひとりでも多くの人に CBD を広めたい想いで情報を発信しています。


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